
Showing posts from November, 2020

Aren't we too late to understand that the subject matter of our agricultural curriculum needs to be up-to-date and should support employability and business skills? हाम्रो कृषि पाठ्यक्रमको विषय समयसापेक्ष हुनु आवश्यक छ र रोजगार र व्यवसायिक सीपहरू बढाउन सहयोगी हुनुपर्छ भनेर बुझ्न के हामी ढीलो भइसकेका छैनौं र? भाग १

Since 1957, Nepal government has realized the importance of agriculture studies in Nepal.  The agriculture studies had been started giving general technical training. Within this 6 decades, agricultural institutes and number of students been significantly increased all over the country, unfortunately the quality of education has not significantly improved . We are still studying the same general subjects developed decades and decades ago and same outdated information, which is not really going to help us.   ६ दशक देखिको कृषि अध्ययन अहिलेको समय सम्म आइपुग्दा पनि अध्यापन गराउने संस्थानहरू र बिद्यार्थीको संख्या मात्र बढे, तर यो बाहेक शैक्षिक  गुणत्व बढ्ने गरि महत्वपुर्ण सुधार भने आएन  Technical studies have been always understood for better career future , therefore, there is alway large mass of people tend to choose technical studies for their higher education; same case applied to agricultural studies. There is a large number of people who wants to pursue hi...

What are the importance of marigold in agriculture?

  Marigold Marigolds are ornamental plants which are available with either of yellow, orange or copper-brown flowers. These plants are cultivated mainly for ornamental value worldwide. There are 129 species of marigold can find worldwide from mainly two different genera i.e. genera tagetes and genera calendula.  Genera Tagetes are from sunflower ( Asteraceae ) family which are mostly annual or sometime perennial, mostly herbaceous plants. These plants are native to America which are growing naturally from the southwestern United States into South America, but some species naturally growing around the other part of world as well.  Genera Calendula are also belongs to sunflower ( Asteraceae ) family and are commonly known as pot marigold, ruddles, common and scotch marigolds. These are probably native to southern Europe, however, the history of calendula are still unknown.  Marigold has been valued for cultural and religious significance in Nep...

What are the benefits of lentils in agriculture and in human health?

  Lentils Lentils are agronomic crop belongs to family leguminosae and categorized as pulses. Lentils are widely consumed, the main consumers are South Asia.  It is annual plant about 40 cm tall and known for lens-shaped seeds. The seeds are grown in small pods which contain 2-3 seeds/pod. The major global producers of lentils are Canada and India where 50% of combined global production is dominated by these two countries.  Photo: Lentil plant with pods, Source: Indian Institute of pulse research Benefits of lentil i n Agriculture  A. Nitrogen fixation Nitrogen is important fertilizer to support plant growth. As Lentil is legume crop, it has ability to form nodules and fix biologically available nitrogen into soil. To conserve the soil in its natural state and to protect from degradation of soil from chemical fertilizer application, alternatively we can grow lentils to let them fix nitrogen in soil. The use of hazardous chemical fertilizers should be avoided for impr...

What are tissue culture types in agriculture?


नेपालले अस्ट्रेलियाको कृषि 🌾 प्रणालीबाट सिक्नुपर्ने कुराहरु

 अस्ट्रेलिया बिकसित र उद्योगमुखी एउटा रास्ट्र हो, जहाँ हरेक क्षेत्रलाइ ब्यापार ब्यबसायको लागि प्रोत्साहन गरिएको छ। अन्य व्यापारिक तथा ब्यबसायिक क्षेत्रहरु जस्तै कृषि पनि यहाँको लागि एउटा व्यापारिक तथा ब्यबसायिक क्षेत्र हो। अस्ट्रेलियाको भूभागको जम्मा झन्नै ५०% भूभाग मात्रै खेति योग्य छ संगसंगै यँहा सुख्खा धेरै हुन्छ। धेरै सुख्खा भूभाग हुनु, पानि कम पर्नु र अस्ट्रेलिया भित्र पनि धेरै मात्रामा मौसम मौसम परिवर्तनशील भैरहनु कृषिको लागि अनुकूल छैन। यधपी थोरै खेतीयोग जमिन को उपयोग गरेर र प्रतिकुल मौसम संग लडेर अस्ट्रेलिया कृषि उत्पादनमा आत्म निर्भर मात्र नभई निर्यात पनि गर्ने गर्छ। अस्ट्रेलियाको जम्मा २-३% मानिसहरु मात्र खेतीमा आवद्ध छन् तर पनि यी थोरै किसानहरुले मात्रै पनि देश को झन्नै १२% कुल ग्राह्यस्थ उत्पादन मा सहयोग पुर्याउछन।  प्रतिकुल मौसम, सुख्खा भूभाग, धेरै सुख्खा मौसम र सिंचाईको लागि प्राकृतिक जलभण्डार को अभाब हुँदा हुँदै र थोरै मात्र खेति योग्य जमिन हुँदा हुँदै पनि अस्ट्रेलियाले कृषि उत्पादन र आम्दानिको ७०% भाग निर्यात गर्ने गर्दछ भने जम्मा ४% खाद्यान्न...

Is Rambutan is potential for commercial production in Nepal?

What is Rambutan? Rambutan ( Nephelium lappaceum ) is a fruit which grow in medium-sized tree belongs to  Sapindaceae family. This fruit is native to Southeast Asia and closely related to several other edible fruits such as Lychee and Longa n. The name Rambutan is derived from the Malay (Malaysian language) word 'rambut' which means 'hair', and in Vietnam it is called 'chom chom' which also means 'messy hair' Rambutan tree The Rambutan tree is an evergreen tree grows upto the height of 12-20 meter. It has alternate leaves (10-30 cm long), pinnate with small leaflets from 3-11. It has small flowers and born in erect terminal panicles which is 15-30 cm wide.  rambutan tree can be either male (produce male flower only and hence no fruiting occur), female (produce functional female flowers) or hermaphrodite (produce both flowers where male flowers used be in low proportion).  Photo: Rambutan tree and fruits in tree, Source: internet search Rambutan fruit   ...