Aren't we too late to understand that the subject matter of our agricultural curriculum needs to be up-to-date and should support employability and business skills? हाम्रो कृषि पाठ्यक्रमको विषय समयसापेक्ष हुनु आवश्यक छ र रोजगार र व्यवसायिक सीपहरू बढाउन सहयोगी हुनुपर्छ भनेर बुझ्न के हामी ढीलो भइसकेका छैनौं र? भाग १
Since 1957, Nepal government has realized the importance of agriculture studies in Nepal. The agriculture studies had been started giving general technical training. Within this 6 decades, agricultural institutes and number of students been significantly increased all over the country, unfortunately the quality of education has not significantly improved . We are still studying the same general subjects developed decades and decades ago and same outdated information, which is not really going to help us. ६ दशक देखिको कृषि अध्ययन अहिलेको समय सम्म आइपुग्दा पनि अध्यापन गराउने संस्थानहरू र बिद्यार्थीको संख्या मात्र बढे, तर यो बाहेक शैक्षिक गुणत्व बढ्ने गरि महत्वपुर्ण सुधार भने आएन Technical studies have been always understood for better career future , therefore, there is alway large mass of people tend to choose technical studies for their higher education; same case applied to agricultural studies. There is a large number of people who wants to pursue hi...