How to improve our scientific communication skill in Agriculture research?

Scientific communication skills include reading, writing and oral presentation. For students studying agricultural science, scientific communication skills always play an important role because agriculture is a science and technical subject; where we have to write reports, thesis and to give presentation in scientific level. Therefore, I am discussing here how can we improve each of the communication skills for agricultural science. A. Reading skill When we write thesis, research reports and research proposal, we have to find scientific papers and read it. What is the current trend is, find random paper and 'copy and paste' the lines or phrases where it match to your writing. But it is wrong, we have to find the research papers first and then there are few tips to do better reading 1. Skimming We have many more papers to read therefore, we can not always manage to read whole papers at all time. Therefore, we should be able to skim. Skimming include reading ab...