Significance of integrating pulses and legumes in Nepalese agriculture
According to the Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) data (2016), only 4.6 million people are food secure in Nepal, it indicates that only 15-16% of Nepalese have easy access to foods. According to DHS data 20 percent of households mildly food-insecure, 22 percent moderately food-insecure, and 10 percent severely food-insecure in Nepal. Among the household suffering food insecurity are simultaneously suffering from malnutrition. Even though, Nepal is agricultural country, food security is still a burning question and a challenge. Many challenges at ground level (such as labour scarcity, poor technical knowledge and traditional tools of farming) and in policy level (such as poor infrastructures, poor policy, poor implementation of policies) are main causes behind this unfortunate situation in Nepali agriculture. Whatever the matter, however, many Nepali are still under hunger and poverty. In addition, the geographic condition is another level of diffe...